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Wood Species

Homewood's products are available in many Exotic wood species on Special Order. If you would like information on pricing and availability for Exotic wood species, please contact us.

The list below shows the various wood species that can be ordered.

* = special order

Alder *
Ash *
Birch, Natural *
Birch, Red *
Birch, White *
Bubinga *
Cedar, Spanish *
Cedar, Tennessee Red *
Cedar, Western Red *
Cherry, American *
Cherry, Brazilian *
Cypress, Australian *
Fir, Vertical Grain *
Hickory *
Ipe *
Mahogany, Honduras *
Mahogany, Philippine *
Mahogany, Santos *
Oak, Red
Oak, White
Pine, Heart *
Pine, Ponderosa *
Pine, Southern Yellow *
Pine, Sugar *
Poplar *
Redwood *
Teak *
Walnut, American *
Walnut, Brazilian *




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